Movie Star Daily Routine game

Movie Star Daily Routine gamePlay

Let's join the «a day in the life of a movie star» stream. We will spend the whole day with a famous actress from the series. The morning begins with cosmetic procedures and skin care. Time to go in for sports to maintain excellent physical shape. It's time to put on your makeup and go to the screen test. And finally, it's time to enjoy the glory. Having collected everything you need in a small clutch, the girl goes to the red carpet to amaze everyone with brilliant and original outfits!

Movie Star Daily Routine, play free movie games, related games and updates online. Added on 2023/06/09, played 100 times. Author dl studio 57. Rate this game

How to play Movie Star Daily Routine?

Friends, let's see how an ordinary movie star's day goes! We will learn how a girl keeps her body and appearance in proper shape. We will see how she creates new images for filming. The result can be saved as a PNG image. Depending on the gaming device, a computer mouse click or a simple touch on touch screens is used for control.

This game can be played on mobile phone or tablet. Scan QR code to play on mobile.

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